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Mar 27, 2023
“The womb is mine”, surrogacy and the question of free choice in The Handmaid’s Tale
On the surface, The Handmaid’s Tale appears to be a rallying cry against surrogacy. Yet Moira had a baby through a surrogacy arrangement.

Jan 4, 2023
40 is the new 30, but not for your eggs: in a TEDx the whole truth about the odds of late motherhood
A spirited and forthright testimony about having children late in life: getting pregnant after a certain age is not exactly simple

Nov 26, 2022
“Paternity leave is the game changer”: The Why Wait Agenda Meets Italian MP Lia Quartapelle
Journalist Eleonora Voltolina talks about paternity leave with Italian MP Lia Quartapelle who just introduced a bill on the topic

Oct 20, 2022
A secular take on fertility: getting to the heart of the Why Wait Agenda in a TEDx Talk
Putting the birth rate at the centre of public discourse from a secular standpoint: Eleonora Voltolina's TEDx talk “The Fertility Gap”
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