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Our articles on the subject

Feb 12
Birth Rate is a Political Issue: The Economist Lists the Most Effective Fertility Policies
The falling birth rate is a huge issue of our time. What's the most effective way to tackle it? The Economist's answer in a Toolkit

Sep 30, 2024
Population Decline, the Tangle of Birth Rate and Immigration
Each country has two approaches to replenishing its population. The main one is children being born. The other one is to welcome foreigners

May 16, 2024
Our Pledge for the 2024 European Elections, look up the candidates who signed it
Look up the candidates who already signed The Why Wait Agenda's “European Fertility Gap Pledge 2024"

Oct 17, 2023
M for Mother, the scarlet letter that burdens women in their professional lives
Working women don an invisible cloak with a scarlet letter, the M for mother. Or rather, U for uterus.

Jul 21, 2023
The Struggle of Single Women, Motherhood Is the Right of All
Want to solve the declining birth rate issue? Support single women who want to become mothers: «yet single motherhood is still tough»

Jun 5, 2023
Gender equality, sometimes Constitutions get in the way: The Why Wait Agenda meets Carla Bassu
Gender equality in the workplace, for the Italian Constitution women's essential job is (still) that of caregiver

May 5, 2023
Why Aren't We Having More Children? Here's the Honest Truth
The fertility gap it’s the difference between the amount children we would like to have and the children we actually have.

Oct 20, 2022
A secular take on fertility: getting to the heart of the Why Wait Agenda in a TEDx Talk
Putting the birth rate at the centre of public discourse from a secular standpoint: Eleonora Voltolina's TEDx talk “The Fertility Gap”
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